All tagged 2017-12X

tutvid: How to Create a Light Leak Transition in Premiere Pro

In this Premiere Pro video editing tutorial, we will cover how to import and work with short light leak clips to create flashy and smooth light leak/lens flare transition effect in Premiere. You’ll learn a couple cool tricks about reversing a flare to get the perfect moment of transition as well as working with blend modes to get the perfect lens effect for any clip of video you may be using. Check it out and I hope you enjoy it! —tutvid

Adobe: Streamlining HDR Workflows: Dolby Supports Adobe XMP

Adobe XMP is an open standard for metadata, which allows content creators to add labels and settings instructions to media. With the growing power of modern cameras to capture an ever wider range of light and color, XMP offers powerful tools for including supplemental information about images and how they can be displayed, or optimized... This makes Adobe XMP a great match for Dolby Vision, an advanced standard for High Dynamic Range (HDR) video content and displays. HDR describes modern imaging technologies, enabling televisions, for example, to produce more realistic images, with more contrast, more detail in the shadows and highlights, and deeper color. —Eric Philpott, Adobe