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XTRMX: ediX Remote Editing Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro

Edit remote content wherever it is. XTRMX ediX embedded in Adobe Premiere Pro (c), offers remote editing by streaming the source content from the hosting-storage to an editor workstation. Using ediX, the editor may work on remote content seamlessly, as if the content was local. ediX also enables a proxy-free workflow, by streaming the high-resolution content on demand instead of relying on proxy files. —XTRMX

Digital Anarchy: New Transcription Features in Transcriptive 1.1, Search Your Premiere Project, and More

The biggest change is the Transcriptive installer now features a beta of a separate panel called PowerSearch. This searches the entire Premiere Pro project for whatever phrase you’re looking for, returning any clip or sequence that has it and the timecode. Basically it works just like a Google search for your Premiere project. —Digital Anarchy