Week in Premiere 4/1/16
Premiere Pro News
In this fabulously detailed 40-minute webcast, The Verge shares a behind-the-scenes discussion of producing their 360-video interview of First Lady, Michelle Obama. It gets really good right about the 18:00-mark when they discuss how they hid some of the cuts. Better still, Premiere Pro gets more than a shoutout at 20:55...
“That’s the big thing I want to say to everyone is that this stuff [360/VR video] is actually really easy. It’s very much like creating video in Premiere. In fact, how we exported, and how we did a lot of what we did for this piece was all in Premiere and we didn’t need After Effects to do this. You can definitely make 360 video in Premiere.”
Video Director for The Verge, Miriam Nielson, goes on to mention Mettle SkyBox 360/VR Tools (available for Premiere Pro!!!) makes it easy to add and manipulate 2D graphics in 360 video.
Another sneak peak video from Mamoworld! Founder and CEO, Mathias Möhl, introduces Still Exporter, a tool for exporting frames from your sequence. A really cool feature of Still Exporter is it can export marker-based frames. In other words, Still Exporter will export every frame where a marker has been added. Mathias invites your feedback on Still Exporter, as well as any feature requests. Still Exporter is schedule to be released around NAB Show 2016, along with QuickImporter, featured last Week in Premiere.
Check out this Tweet from Editor and Premiere Pro guru Vashi Nedomansky. This 6K native editing claim comes from his latest editing project. Vashi is already more than two weeks deep in editing feature film 6 BELOW starring Josh Hartnett and directed by Scotty Waugh (Need for Speed, Act of Valor). The best part is Vashi will be keeping us all in the loop by documenting the project. Read the original post 6 BELOW: EDITING IN 6K and follow Vashi on Twitter for more updates.
Speaking of Vashi Nedomansky, read this short blog post on the importance of knowing your footage featuring Tweets by Vashi.
Independent filmmaker and Adobe video consultant Anthony Bari Jr. Tweeted the trailer for We Call Her Yolanda, a documentary detailing the 2 years of recovery in Tacloban after Typhoon Yolanda. Follow the link below to watch the trailer. Check out the the cinematography and the look! The color of We Call Her Yolanda is an impressive demonstration of the Lumetri Color panel. We Call Her Yolanda is coming this Summer. Catch up with Anthony at NAB Show 2016.
Just when I thought the Deadpool-cut-in-Premiere-Pro hype was starting to simmer down, Oliver Peters comes out with this great article on Deadpool's post production workflow. Originally published on Creative Planet Network, Oliver includes great bites from Deadpool editor Julian Clarke and workflow consultant Vashi Nedomansky. And I don't mean bites like "Premiere Pro was great to work with"—I mean real bites like "...editors really liked the tilde key". Definitely an insightful look into the post production of Deadpool, a landmark film for Adobe Premiere Pro. Thanks to Eric Philpott for sharing on Twitter!
Bradford Rogers, The Multimedia Ninja, posted a new video podcast award-winning video editor, Harold Sellers. Together, they discuss the pros and cons (but more pros) of Adobe moving to Creative Cloud and the implications for Premiere Pro users. Harold also discusses some of his workflow including the Lumetri Color panel and dynamic linking audio with Adobe Audition. I am very happy to share this Multimedia Ninja post in Week in Premiere because Bradford is a loyal retweeter of Premiere Bro Tweets. Thanks Bradford!!!
It's a very exciting time to be a Premiere Pro user—of course, it always is!—especially when it comes to video review and approval. Stay on the look out for some exciting Premiere Pro integration from Wipster!
This is not really news as much as it is a call to action. This is a great idea. Go submit a feature request! All you need to do is copy Scott's Tweet and paste it as your request. Need some tips for submitting an effective Premiere Pro feature request? Check out How to Submit Premiere Pro Feature Requests.
Premiere Pro Puns
Funny stuff from the Premiere Pro community...
Premiere Pro Tips
Just in case you thought the Pancake Timeline was about dragging and dropping...
G-Technology published a blog post written by Adobe Master Trainer, Simon Walker. Simon presents an added benefit of the Selection Follows Playhead feature in Premiere Pro. With the Effect Controls panel visible, Selection Follows Playhead allows you to quickly see what effects are applied to clips.
Premiere Pro Tutorials
This week Adobe Premiere Pro shared this VideoRevealed tutorial on removing room echo in Adobe Audition and Premiere Pro. The tutorial itself comes from November of last year but it's well-worth the spotlight in this Week in Premiere. VideoRevealed host, Colin Smith walks through the process of capturing and reducing noise in Adobe Audition and then reducing specific problematic frequencies. He also includes a quick look at third-party plugin Zynaptiq UNVEIL which "allows fixing previously unusable location audio and dialog, tightening up live music recordings, removing reverb and “mud” from musical signals". UNVEIL costs $379 as a standalone plugin.
Creative Cabin founder and Lynda.com tutorialist Angie Taylor shows how to loop keyframes in After Effects. This video comes from the Lynda.com series After Effects Expressions for Premiere Pro Users.
YouTuber Alex Halford continues rocking and rolling with Premiere Pro tutorials, every Saturday. This week he shows how to zoom in and zoom out on a picture/video using the scale parameter in the Effect Controls panel.
Congratulations to those featured in this Week in Premiere! Please support the Premiere Pro user community by following, liking, or sharing Week in Premiere content. To be featured in next Week in Premiere, submit a link to your post: