Kyler Holland: Offset Effect in Premiere Pro

Kyler Holland: Offset Effect in Premiere Pro

In this Premiere Pro tutorial, Kyler Holland shows how to use the Free Draw Bezier tool to create a mask around part of a subject's face. Kyler "offsets" the mask by duplicating the clip several times, then trimming them to the beat of a music track.


Learn How to Create a Multi-layered "Offset" (or Echo) Effect Using Masks in Premiere Pro.

First, this "offset" tutorial by Kyler Holland has nothing to do with the actual Offset effect in Premiere Pro. Instead, this effect is created by masking out the subject, duplicating the clip several times and "offsetting" their positions. This effect could also be described as an echo, one that can appear on screen to the beat of a music track.

The first step is drawing the mask around the subject of your clip. Do this using the Free Draw Bezier tool found in the Effect Controls panel, under Opacity. See how Kyler draws his mask below staring at 1:20.

Once the mask is complete, duplicate the clip several times and trim each iteration several frames behind the previous one. Your clips should look like a staircase in your Timeline. If you're editing to a music track, trim each duplicated clip so that it starts on the beat.

"Offset" each duplicated clip by adjusting their positions in the Effect Controls panel. Increase the feather so thee's no hard edges around the mask. See how Kyler does it starting at 1:41.

It's not mentioned in the tutorial, but this effect works best when using a clip with a plain, consistent background. Otherwise, elements in your background could interfere with the mask. Not to mention the background shifts in each duplicated clip, and it could be distracting if it's a busy background.

Please share any other tips for creating this effect in the comments below!

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