Week in Premiere 9/14/18

Week in Premiere 9/14/18

Premiere Pro Week in Review:

  • Premiere Pro CC 2019 Revealed!

  • Live Demo of New Features ft. Jason Levine

  • Everything Adobe at IBC 2018

  • PC for Premiere Pro Blog Series

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Premiere Pro News

Premiere Products / Free Stuff

Free Twitch Transitions Pack for Premiere Pro

Sept 11, 2018 — In this video, you will be given a FREE preset from your truly, Adam from AKV. This preset is designed to help you add some amazing effects to your video and help you save time while editing. —AK Visuals

On the heels of an impressive free pack of 25 effect presets, AK Visuals has another free pack for Premiere Pro: Twitch Transitions. Watch the video above to learn how to download, install and use the transitions in a music video. The full version is available for purchase. Remember to show AK Visuals some love if you download the free pack!

Premiere Projects

Sept 10, 2018 — The editors behind “Searching” share how they used Premiere Pro, Illustrator, and After Effects to cut a feature and redefine the “on-screen” film. —Andy Young, Frame.io

Sept 10, 2018 — The editors behind “Searching” share how they used Premiere Pro, Illustrator, and After Effects to cut a feature and redefine the “on-screen” film. —Andy Young, Frame.io

Searching is a critically acclaimed psychological thriller about a father (John Cho) who is looking for his missing daughter. The film resurrects the found footage genre, “shot” entirely on computer screens. Go inside the editing suite in this Frame.io blog post with editors Will Merrick and Nick Johnson who cut the film in Premiere Pro. Learn how they overcame the challenge of making a desktop film appear cinematic using the Adobe video and audio tools.

Premiere Pro Tutorials

Live Demo of New Features Coming to Creative Cloud

Sept 13, 2018 — In this livestream, Principal Evangelist Jason Levine showcases some of the latest innovations coming to the next update of the Creative Cloud Video & Audio apps. —Adobe

When it comes to Adobe presentations, there’s no one better than Jason Levine. Watch the replay of Jason’s live demo of the new features and integrations coming in the next major release of Adobe’s video and audio tools. It’s no surprise that Premiere Pro dominates the demo given all the cool new features coming in CC 2019. Click through to the YouTube page to see all the chapters for this video. There are 26!

Premiere Pro CC 2019 Overview (4 Videos)

Sep 12, 2018 — In these videos, Cut to the Point introduces the new features in Premiere Pro CC 2019 (coming soon), previewed by Adobe at IBC 2018. (This is a custom playlist by Premiere Bro.)

The award for first “tutorials” on the new features coming to Premiere Pro CC 2019 goes to Piotr Toczyńsky of Cut to the Point. In these 4 videos, Piotr covers the new Lumetri Color curves, intelligent audio cleanup effects, and 14 other new features coming soon to Premiere Pro. We’ve grouped them all into a playlist above for your viewing pleasure.

A Review of Premiere Pro CC 2019 for Craft Editors

Looking for a deep review of Adobe’s IBC 2018 reveal of Premiere Pro CC 2019 by a veteran editor? Count on Scott Simmons and his column for ProVideo Coalition. As Scott says right in the beginning of the post, he likes to focus on the tools that will appeal most to craft editors. If you’re a pro editor and a Premiere Pro user, you’ll really appreciate Scott’s take on the major release of Premiere Pro CC.

Learn the Basics of Bezier Keyframes for Smooth Animation in Premiere Pro

Sept 13, 2018 — Learn how to use Bezier Keyframes to give a great impression of physics at work on the objects you have animated with Adobe Premiere Pro. —Adobe

Want to level up your animations? Check out this Adobe tutorial on bezier keyframes featuring the voice of Adobe master trainer and filmmaker Maxim Jago. Nothing screams amateur than rigid and abrupt motion graphics. Professional motion graphic designers use bezier keyframes to add easing and smoothness to there animations. Editors can use bezier keyframes directly in Premiere Pro without having to switch to After Effects. Download the project files below and follow along with the tutorial.

Can You Un-Twirl the Twirl Effect in Premiere Pro?

Sept 13, 2018 — Funny experiment by creaper3 pvp using the Twirl effect in Premiere Pro. Hard to think of a scenario when this will be practical, but now you know it can be done!

Have you ever wondered if you can un-twirl a video with a Twirl effect? Neither have we. But, thanks to this short video by YouTuber, creaper3 pvp, we now know it’s possible. Maybe this would come in handy for un-twirling videos made in Photobooth and the like. Or maybe editors could Twirl titles to send as secret messages that can only be read when un-twirled. Just spitballing here.

Premiere Pro Moments

Week in Premiere Signup and Submissions

Week in Premiere 9/21/18

Week in Premiere 9/21/18

Week in Premiere 9/7/18

Week in Premiere 9/7/18